Emotion Chef

Become a Master

A unique and intuitive approach to managing your emotional wellbeing

Meet Kim

What is an Emotion Chef?



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How Can I Benefit?

  • Emotions don’t happen TO you, you CREATE them.
  • Understanding how emotions are created gives you more CONTROL and RESILIENCE.
  • CONTROL & RESILIENCE improves physical/emotional health, relationships and develops the emotion culture YOU want.
  • Understanding your emotions allows you more control over your life, your experience, and your growth.

The Emotion Chef Course

The Emotion Chef course is held every week for 5 weeks to allow time to take in and apply the information you learn each session.

Session 1: The Brain Runs the World

  • What your brain needs to manage emotions
  • Why your "body budget" is critical
  • How to work with your brain - not against it

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Session 1: The Brain Runs the World

  • What your brain needs to manage emotions
  • Why your "body budget" is critical
  • How to work with your brain - not against it

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Session 2: Thoughts & Mind

  • What are you thinking?
  • Why Automatic Negative Thoughts (ANTs) exist
  • How to challenge them with "ANT" repellant

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Session 3: Heart Power

  • What is HRV and why you need to measure it
  • Why the heart manages stress, not just the brain
  • How to develop coherence for optimal performance & health

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Session 3: Heart Power

  • What is HRV and why you need to measure it
  • Why the heart manages stress, not just the brain
  • How to develop coherence for optimal performance & health

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Session 4: Emotions

  • What is an Emotion Chef?
  • Why more words make a difference
  • How emotions don’t just happen, we create them

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Session 5: Becoming a Master Emotion Chef

  • Progression to becoming a Master Emotion Chef
  • Kitchen Tools
  • Creating Recipes

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Session 5: Becoming a Master Emotion Chef

  • Progression to becoming a Master Emotion Chef
  • Kitchen Tools
  • Creating Recipes

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Paige Holman

VP Banking Center Manager

"I loved Kim’s class THE Resilience Recipe. Over the four-week course, I looked forward to each weeks new topic and found that it was easy and helpful to apply in my day to day life. Living and working in New York City the grind can catch up with you. I found this class allowed me to work through many issues with clients and life situations with a different mindset. At the end of the day it helped me to feel calmer, happier and communicate better with relationships whether client or personal. I highly recommend this class."

Shane Sparks

Sales Consultant

"I took Kim's "THE Resilience Recipe" and got so much out of it! Many things that help in day to day life as well as longer term strategies for personal growth. Kim keeps it real... everyone can relate to the subject matter in your own lives. Well done Kim!"